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Don't Be Scared, Get Resilent!


October 2024

By Maryann Baldwin, The Works Business Coach and SBDC Counselor

We hear the word Resilience a lot, especially these days when there seems to be a lot of negativity in the world. But do we really know what it means to be a resilient person? In the world of running a small business and navigating the rewards and the challenges that come with entrepreneurship, resilience can be a powerful tool in minimizing any negative impact from the valleys and slowdowns we can face.


Let’s look at the characteristics that go into how you handle the dips and downturns and better enjoy the ups and think about where we stand with each:


Adaptability – how flexible are you when faced with change or uncertainty? Adaptability means you are at least open to looking at a challenging situation and consider what the options are, rather than perceiving that there are limited options available to you.


Emotional strength – how easily are you swayed by your emotions when the going gets tough? Do you react, or are you able to step back, take a deep breath and explore the situation? The suggestion “take a deep breath” can feel cliche, but it’s a great step toward keeping your emotions from taking over.


An optimistic outlook – what is your overall approach to challenge? A prevailing feeling that life’s challenges can bring you down, will in fact probably bring you down. You don’t have to go through life a Pollyanna, but you can step back from challenges and attempt to review them objectively and seek ways that there could be a positive outcome, or perhaps a silver lining.


Problem solving: These first three characteristics are all backed by a our ability to explore solutions and take proactive steps to address a downturn or challenge. What would it take to step back, pretend the problem belongs to someone else or is not your own, and objectively explore some potential alternatives?


Perseverance – And ultimately, all of these suggestions will be driven by your ability to stick with your goals and commitments, regardless of the challenges or setbacks that you face. Is it possible that a series of setbacks or challenges mean you should change course or try something different? That’s certainly a possibility, but you made a commitment because of something you believed in, so hanging in there should be considered before throwing up your hands and walking away from a tough round of challenges.


Which characteristic would you like to try building in your resilience arsenal? Which one do you feel you could benefit from most?  Write it down on a Post-It, place it somewhere you can see it regularly and start working on strengthening your resilience today!


Want to learn more about your own personal resilience? Check out this self-assessment and explore your potential own today:



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